Lippstadt 2024 – Without Touch!

Die Theremin-Akademie hat die Organisation der berühmten „Without Touch“ Festivals, 2007 von Barbara Buchholz, Wolfgang Streblow und Wilco Botermans gegründet, übernommen. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Akademie liegt auf Improvisation und experimenteller Musik.


08/11/2024 Vormittags 
10/11/2024 Nachmittag


Wilco Botermans

Wilco Botermans ist ein niederländischer Thereminist mit Schwerpunkt zeitgenössische und experimentelle Musik, wo das Theremin in Verbindung mit Effektgeräten, sowie Computer-Hard- und Software eingesetzt wird.

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Thierry Frenkel

Thierry Frenkel ist, zusammen mit Carolina Eyck, Mitbegründer der Theremin Akademie, die ihren Anfang 2010 in Colmar/Frankreich nahm. Seitdem hat er das Akademie-Netzwerk ständig vergrössert, um 4 bis 5 Akademien pro Jahr in verschiedenen europäischen Städten stattfinden zu lassen.

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Die Akademie findet statt in der Conrad-Hansen-Musikschule,
Von-Galen-Platz 1, 59557 Lippstadt, Deutschland


As, after the long pandemic, we are slowly and cautiously rolling out the Academy program again, we are happy to do already our third Lippstadt academy since. Wilco and Thierry complement again each other perfectly as lecturers. Wilco is a highly renowned specialist in contemporary music, improvisation and electronic effects, while Thierry is a very experienced „classicist“ and leader of theremin chamber music classes. Together, we have set up a comprehensive program which focuses mainly on playing Theremin together when, already, so many thereminists meet in one place.

Basic package for all participants

The prices for the basic package and the options can be seen in the registration form

  • Theremin Orchestra: 2 hours of training/rehearsal for the guided improvisation, performance afterwards in the former Lippstadt Synagogue on Sunday 10 with Thierry
  • 1 hour Seminar: Physics and physiology of the vibrato with Thierry
  • 2 hours Demonstration and „Hands On“: They most important effect devices and their best use with Wilco
  • 1 hour Workshop: First aid for your Etherwave – How to do a quick emergency internal calibration when suddenly, the pitch and volume knobs seem at their limits with Thierry
  • 1 hour Workshop: The topic of this workshop has to remain secret for the moment because it is intended to create a surprise to someone… (with Thierry)

Additional information : The city administration of Lippstadt has a culture program for young people from 10 to 14 years, called „Kulturrucksack“. The Theremin Academy is always open to contribute to such programs and will offer 1 hour of a group trial lesson guided by Thierry to interested children, most probably after our Synagogue performance. Please allow that your Theremin serves for this purpose. Thierry guarantees naturally for the integrity of your instruments.

Optionally, you can book

  • Masterclass (classic): Learn with Thierry and from the other students, play the music you have selected and prepared, get suggestions/hints for musical and technical improvement, and learn to overcome stage fear in a small group
  • Masterclass (jazz): Pick one of the 3 following songs, Autumn leaves, Fly me to the moon, or Willow weep for me, we’ll send you the sheet music beforehand to prepare and get not only suggestions/hints for technical and musical improvement by Thierry but be also accompanied on the bass by Mallory
  • Group lesson (experimental/improvisation) with Wilco: Form small groups of 2 or 3 players, and decide about a topic. Wilco will teach you how to transform it into music
  • Group lesson Ear Training: Without sheet music, we will build chords, modulations and progressions by ear, just looking at Thierry’s fingertips.
  • 1 or more hours Private lessons with Wilco
  • 1 or more hours Private lessons with Thierry

Additional information : The duration of the classic and jazz masterclasses will vary with the number of participants. A minimum of 3 students is required to fill at least 1 hour.

Social program

  • A social program, including at least one common dinner will be organized. More details to come soon.

All workshops, seminars, and ensemble classes require a minimum number of 2 or 3 registered participants. In case this quota wouldn’t be reached for a particular activity, we will either suggest you an alternative program or reimburse you.

Information for participants

Equipment and presence

  • Please bring at least your own theremin and cables. A few amplifiers, music and theremin stands are available at the music school for those who can’t travel with. Please note in the comments section of the registration form what you would need.
  • To reduce interference problems within the music school, please don’t bring Etherwave Pro or Claravox theremins! An Etherwave Standard or Plus will perfectly do for all purposes.
  • Please make sure that you can be present during the whole academy time, so that we might schedule lessons and classes without constraints. Ideally, you can make your travel arrangement to arrive already on Thursday night so that we can get off to a good start on Friday morning.

Stay and food

  • We have reserved a limited number of hotel rooms at the Quality Hotel in Lippstadt at a reduced group rate. No more need to spread over nearby villages and to have transport problems. These rooms can be booked as single for 70€ per person and per night, breakfast incluing. If you want to benefit from this special offer, please use the registration form below and do not book directly with the hotel!
  • Food can be found either in one of the little shops near the music school, or in one of the restaurants in the city which is at a 20 minutes walking distance. Usually, people gather in small groups to have lunch and dinner together when nothing „official“ is scheduled.


    Yes, I register for this academy
    A registration fee of 120€ applies to cover your participation in all activities listed under "The basic package for all participants" above.

    To that, I'd like to add...

    Options "à la carte"
    1.) Optional masterclasses with Thierry 25€

    2.) Optional group lesson with Wilco 30€

    I want to form a group with <- These have to register for that lesson, too!
    3.) Individual/Private 1:1 lessons 50€

    I'd like to benefit from the reduced group tariff at the Quality hotel and I want to book a single room at 70€/night including breakfast

    Acceptance of the terms and conditions *
    , I've registered the details, the pricing and the conditions of this academy announcement and I accept these without reservation by submitting this registration form. I commit to paying the requested amount via PayPal immediately after reception of my invoice.