Lippstadt 2023 – Without Touch!

The Theremin academy has taken over the organization of the famous “Without Touch” festivals in Lippstadt, founded in 2007 by Barbara Buchholz, Wolfgang Streblow, and Wilco Botermans. Actually, this is the academy where improvisation and experimental music play an important role.


17/11/2023 in the morning –
19/11/2023 in the afternoon


Wilco Botermans

Wilco Botermans is a Dutch Thereminist working in the contemporary and experimental music domain using the theremin together with effect devices and computer hardware and software.

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Thierry Frenkel

Thierry Frenkel is, together with Carolina Eyck, the co-founder of the Theremin Academy which started in 2010 in Colmar/France. Since then, he constantly increased the academy network to make 4 or 5 academies happen in different European towns every year.

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The academy will be held at the Conrad Hansen Music School,
Von-Galen-Platz 1, 59557 Lippstadt, Germany 

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Oxford January 2023

Come along learning the THEREMIN, a unique electronic music instrument, which is played without been touched. The event is led by Lydia Kavina. It is organized by the Bate collection of Oxford Music faculty and the Theremin Academy.


January 21st, 2023 from 10AM till 4:30PM


Lydia Kavina

Lydia Kavina is one of the most experienced teachers and hosts her own Theremin workshops in Oxford(UK). She is a welcome lecturer and teacher at many Theremin Academies everywhere in Europe.

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This workshop will be held at the Bate collection of the University of Oxford, Faculty of Music, St Aldate’s, Oxford OX1 1DB

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